Friday Class
Blue Foundations
Whether you're new to Blues or you've been doing it for a while, laying a good foundation is essential to building your dance. We'll use a systematic (but fun!) approach to take you through modes of connection, rhythms and ways to build movement with your partner that sets you up for the construction of a great dance. If you teach or plan to teach dance in your home scene, this is a great class to steal from for your own beginners tracks.
Saturday Classes
The Connection Lab
This class is really about all the secrets of great following, but packaged nicely into a variety of interchangeable patterns that leads get to drill to create solid muscle memory.
Spins and Turns
How do you differentiate between spins on the spot, traveling turns, and partnered rotation? We'll unlock the secrets of variations in prep steps, body alignments, internal torque and more, to help you spin and turn with grace and ease.
Lyrical Lifts and Lines
Every story has a climax and a resolution. This class is about helping you tell your story with with the rise and fall of the music. Learn how to add level changes and take your dance off the floor... if just for that perfect moment.
The Secret Class
Shhh- Secrets... We could tell you, but well you know the rest!